Fed up, the bison arches his tail and slams it down onto his back, knocking Momo out cold and stopping the noise. Appa roars in pain, but Momo whistles a second time. Momo wants to keep going, however, and digs out Aang's bison whistle, blowing on it as hard as he can. Seeing no way around the obstacle, Appa drops to the ground to rest. Trudging through the swamp, his path is blocked by a large root, which is too low to crawl under, too high to easily climb over, and the vegetation is too dense to fly over it. Meanwhile, Appa, with Momo still on the saddle, is looking for the rest of Team Avatar. Sokka uses his machete to haphazardly hack through the swamp vegetation, trying to clear a path. Aang and Katara are wary of the environment, sensing something ominous about it. The human group begins looking for Momo and Appa. This separates humans and animals into two separate groups. Suddenly, a tornado appears, overwhelming Appa and hurling everyone into the swamp even though Aang uses airbending to make a sphere of air as a shield around Appa, the tornado shears it apart with ease. When Appa begins to inexplicably lose altitude, Aang tells his friends that he feels as if the swamp is calling to him due to their reluctance to land, however, he agrees to leave. Meanwhile, Aang, Katara, and Sokka, while searching for an earthbending teacher for Aang, fly over a swamp. As the swordsman leaves, Zuko is angered and humiliated by his uncle's self-degradation. Iroh begins to sing, however the swordsman wants more of a show and swings his blades at Iroh's feet to make him dance. A swordsman approaches Iroh and has him perform for a gold coin.

Zuko refuses to grovel, trying to keep what dignity he has left, while Iroh is more than willing to accept their new situation and do what he must to get by. Zuko and Iroh beg for money in the street of a village. Disguised, Zuko resorts to using his Blue Spirit guise to help himself. Meanwhile, Zuko and Iroh are forced to live life as commoners. He explains the nature of the swamp and their visions, including that the girl is someone Aang will meet. They are reunited and attacked by a swamp monster, who turns out to be a wise man from a tribe of swamp waterbenders. They begin to see unique illusions in the swamp: Sokka sees Princess Yue, Katara sees her dead mother and Aang sees a mysterious giggling girl. While flying, Aang and friends are attracted to a mysterious swamp and get separated from one another.