The first room when revisited looks even worse. With regards to level design and background stuff, the new Brinstar tileset is cool, but not having backgrounds in many of the rooms sucks. I felt particularly over powered as soon as I could deal with metroids.

Gameplay past these two points was pretty easy, no navigating past some parts without power grip was pretty damn frustrating (Getting next to mother brain's container for example). You should use the on/off item switch patch, it would fix the issue of getting space jump before varia. At the time I thought that was required, I didn't know how many doors didn't link back to each other. Secondly, getting to and back from space jump with no spare e-tanks or varia (the room next to the save room). Firstly, the starting room, 'nuff said, everyone will see it. There were two difficult parts in this hack, that were a lot worse than "Oh look I guess there are more metroids in Brinstar frustrations. Sounds like the game is the same from that point on anyways? I don't want to play through it again to find my percentage, but I did find all of the major items you listed, other totals were something like 5 etanks, 30 missiles, 10 supers, 4 power bombs. I guess I've effectively finished it then, I accidentally lost my savestate after mother brain. Luckily, it reminded me of another bug I never got around to fixing, so Escape from Metroid Zero Mission version 1.02 is out.Īlso, some good pictures and more description are now up. Seriously.Įdit: Thanks a lot, Quietus, now I have to post a fix. Items with * are not required and are generally very difficult to find/reach.Single-wall walljumpingIBJClimbing on frozen MetroidsSavestates. Morph BallBombsMissilesSuper MissilesPower BombsVaria*GravitySpace Jump*Plasma BeamHigh Jump*Screw Attack*Speed BoosterIce Beam I've never played Impossible or the original Escape from Metroid, but this hack is absurd. Quite possibly the most absurdly difficult hack ever created is finished.