When damaged by an enemy, Swarm's mana drains instead of hit points. She is a more versatile companion: tanking or casting AoE as needed.

In battle, the Morrigan Build cycles between Blood Mage and Flying Swarm, which keeps her alive and casting spells. More: Best Warrior Build Dragon Age Origins. So the problem with blood mage is that It only becomes useful late game, but you have to start building for it from level one basically,which brings with it another problem: If you do so, you'll be a shitty normal mage for the first 10-12 levels, because you gotta put a lot if points in to an attribute that is useless for a non-bloodmage: Constitution.Thus, if you don't wish to use Blood Sacrifice, simply switch off Blood Magic and. While it is true that Blood Magic greatly decreases the effectiveness of healing spells on the PC, the ability has a short cooldown. A healer's biggest concern is running out of mana, but with Blood Magic that won't be a problem. Use mana to cast spells, and when it gets low, switch to Blood Magic. For this build, it is recommended that the Blood Mage keep the Cleansing Aura sustainable active at all times.

This should be near the top, if not at the very top of your. If your health is less than 50%, you want to deactivate Blood Magic. You should consider gluing the following setup should be glued to your mage companions: a) Self: Health = 75% Blood Sacrifice d) Self: >= 75% Activate: Blood Magic What you should notice right away is that order matters a lot.Super-Angebote für Dragin Age hier im Preisvergleich bei.Home Dragon Age Origins Blood Mage build Dragin Age - Qualität ist kein Zufal